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Welcome to the AHG Online Symposium Experience!
To register, please click on the REGISTER link in menu above.
About the Online Symposium
The Symposium features 24 sessions presented by experienced herbalists as well as keynote presentations by Tieraona Low Dog and Leah Penniman.
Our Pre-Symposium Intensive Webinars offer in-depth information about cutting-edge topics presented by leaders in herbalism and herbal practice. These webinars are available On-Demand.
Herbalism from the Kitchen Cupboard to the Clinic, our Post-Symposium Intensive Webinar Series, includes four webinars to inspire the use of herbs and food to create affordable, kitchen-based herbal remedies. Each webinar is presented live in the weeks following the Online Symposium Experience.
Throughout the Online Symposium Experience, you'll have many opportunities to network with colleagues and friends, share ideas, and ask questions using Zoom Meet Up. Plans are in the works for live-streamed conversations about herbalism in COVID-19 times, herbal education, free clinics, mutual aid herbal outreach, and more. Access is free with your Symposium registration. 
And our Vendor Fair features leading herb businesses where you can take advantage of Symposium pricing specials, ask questions, and learn more about various goods and services. Please scroll down to see a list of our valued Sponsors, many of whom are part of the Vendor Fair. 
Questions? Contact the AHG office.



Herbal Treatment for Giardiasis

Claire Zimmerman

This class covers a full case study from the initial visit through the extensive follow-up on a case of chronic giardiasis treated exclusively with herbal medicine and nutritional guidelines. The case study includes information regarding appropriate lab testing for accurate diagnosis, in-depth explanation of all herbal preparations used and why, follow-up testing, post-treatment considerations, and long-term gastrointestinal healing approaches after a chronic parasitic infection.

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Teaching Old Herbs New Tricks

Lesley Tierra

The commercialization of herbs is limiting our use and knowledge of herbs so much that their uses are being lost. While many herbs throughout the world have similar uses in various cultures, the same herb is often used differently by different traditions. It’s time to bring back our herbal traditions and expand their uses by remembering their original uses and incorporating new possibilities derived from other traditions. Learn how to get more out of your herbs by teaching them new tricks. The presentation will include personal experience and case studies.

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Tales of Practice from an Earth Mama

Margi Flint

Margi will share stories stored in her heart of success and stupidity, joy and wonder, intuition and compassion. She'll share stories of herbal protection, magic, encouragement, and unwavering belief in our wonderful Plant kin. Forty plus years of practice does give one a rich tapestry of experiences to share.


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Vendor Fair and Gaia Sponsor Spotlight

Sponsor: Gaia

Reversal of Urosepsis/SIRS with Herbal Therapy

Teri 'Cricket' Owens

We will review a case involving a 69-year-old male with co-morbidities, presenting with S/S consistent with acute UTI, dehydration, and beginning signs of urosepsis/SIRS. There was a documented reversal of symptoms began within 2 hours of initiating chosen therapy. The patient was closely monitored overnight, with therapeutic treatment continuing for 2 weeks after initial diagnosis. Their complete recovery was verified by negative urinalysis and C&S, abdominal CT, and cystoscopy as obtained 3 weeks later during a routine MD visit.

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Herbal Roots of Radical Medic Collectives

Krista Olson
Greta de la Montagne

Two longtime radical herbalists from MASHH Clinic and Black Cross Health Collective share a case study of the progressive organizing and skilled public health planning that allowed medics to deliver holistic clinical care in the face of tear gas, pepper spray, and a range of “crowd control” weapons. This narrative ties the individual wisdom and bravery of herbal healers to a collective thread of resistance, mutual aid, and community empowerment.


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The Narrative of Jewish Folk Medicine in Clinical Cases

Morgaine Witriol

This class will cover: understanding Judaism as an ethnicity, the narrative of genetic predispositions in clinical studies of Jewish people (breast cancer and Tay-Sachs disease), Jewish concepts of sickness, and herbalism in Jewish folk medicine: a cross-cultural comparison with uses in the Americas including the evil eye to herbal cleansing. There will be discussion of traditional uses of medicinal plants in the Jewish folk medicine tradition: Mandrake Root, Hyssop, Elder, Rue, Parsley, Herbs of Gilead, Frankincense, Myrrh, Balsam, and more.

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Vendor Fair and Nammex Sponsor Spotlight

Sponsor: Nammex

Successful Non-Conventional Treatment of Lymphoma

Oscar Sierra

This is the ongoing narrative of a 60-year-old female patient who initially came to see us in 2015 for a variety of symptoms including fatigue, hormonal imbalances, digestive issues, and stress. We put together a comprehensive protocol including herbs, diet, and lifestyle modifications and she saw significant improvement in symptoms. During this process, she was also diagnosed with follicular lymphoma for which conventional treatment options at the time were limited, thus allowing us 2 months of time with the patient fully on board with a more robust ETMS (Eclectic Triphasic Medical System) protocol in place prior to reassessment from the oncologist. Both TCM and modern functional medical assessment (including pathology genomics) guided the various internal and topical interventions employed. Though we were not without missteps, our outcomes of this case to date have been very successful by various measures.


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Neurology, Mitochondria, and Traditional Medicines

Kevin Spelman

Traditional medicine has always treated the central nervous system (CNS) but until recently there has been little work on how these remedies work. One of the possible modes of activity for this activity has been through enhancement of mitochondrial processes. Besides the fundamental role of mitochondria in metabolic processes, mitochondria are key in messaging in the CNS. Mitochondrial processes such as the unfolded protein response, mitophagy, fission, fusion, and cross talk between other organelles all have a significant role in brain health. Multiple neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease (PD), and familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (fALS), are associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. In this presentation, we will examine a set of herbal medicines that either through traditional medicine or modern research are known for neurological activity and have a role in mitochondrial pharmacology.


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Affrilachia Healing: The History of Black Healers in the South

Lucretia VanDyke

Affrilachia healing is carrying on a legacy of women of color in the healing arts and wellness movement of the South. Throughout history, women of color have played important roles in the world of healing arts and healthcare. From the granny midwife, herbalist, abolitionist, and our food for the soul to the medicine women who healed, join me in speaking their names to understand their journeys and the importance of their contributions, folk medicine, and inspirational stories.

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Panel – COVID19: Herbalism in Action

Andrew Bentley
Paul Bergner
Robyn Klein

The use of herbal remedies with COVID-19 is constantly evolving as we learn more about the virus and how it responds to plant-based protocols. Three panelists, practitioners and medical botanists, will share their perspectives on our growing understanding of the role herbal medicine plays in managing community care in the face of this pandemic.


Keynote Address: Herbalism: The Crucial Role of Plant Narrative in Healing

Tieraona Low Dog

Narrative medicine allows clinicians to listen and interpret the stories of patients to better understand and care for them. This is true for herbalists, as well. However, unlike the prescribing of many drugs, our herbal pharmacopeia is vast and rich in history, story, myth, and science. Expanding our understanding of the narrative of plants, being able to learn and share their stories, allows us to move beyond just the mechanistic and reductionist approach, so that we may enlist and strengthen the vital connection between the patient, their medicine, and the broader context of Nature.


Case Study: Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth

Rachel  Lord

This class covers herbal formulating and gut health based on personal cases and information from my herb school and new textbook. The SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) narrative takes on a tough case and considers intestinal permeability, the four R program, and changing formulas as gut healing progresses. This includes S.O.A.P. organizational process, choosing effective herbs using energetics with rationales, and dosage, dietary, supplementation, and lifestyle suggestions.

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Power of Plagues: Diseases that Change Our World

Judith Fox Smith

In March 2018, the WHO added ‘Disease X’ to a list of maladies that could cause a worldwide epidemic. The recent COVID-19 pandemic meets the description of this forecast event. Despite advancements in the development of antimicrobials, vaccines, clean water, and food supplies, modern civilizations are not immune to epidemic disease. This class provides an overview of pathogens, statistics, historic context, and the subsequent impact on society of these plagues.


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Narrative Herbal Medicine: Weaving Words and Healing Herbs

Heather Wood Buzzard

In this exploratory class, we will navigate our way through mapping the space where herbs and words coincide. Potential topics covered include narrative humility, poetic medicine, tools for narrative knowledge, the language of the body, the language of the plants, and constitutional medicine. Attendees will encounter questions the practicing herbalist can ask a client, ways of teasing the stories out of others, skills of deep and reflective listening, and empathic connections.


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Vendor Fair and Five Flavors Herbs Sponsor Spotlight

Sponsor: Five Flavors Herbs

Medicinal Mushrooms and Viral Infections

Lindsay Chimileski

This lecture will highlight medicinal mushrooms and their specific applications as preventative, antiviral, and virucidal medicines. Broad concepts will be introduced and reviewed. Research will be reviewed for treating major viral infections (including HIV/AIDs, Herpes, Epstein-barr, Flu, and the Coronavirus family). Clinical cases will be discussed as well.


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Adjunct Herbs for Clinical @bortions

Daena Horner

In the United States 1 out of 3 birthing people will at some point have an @bortion. Whether someone is 4 weeks pregnant or 20 weeks pregnant the process of @bortion can have significant physical, mental, and emotional impacts. Often patients receive little to no aftercare inside the health care system and social stigmatization could mean clients can’t ask their closest friends and family for support. Knowing how to support this holistically in your practice will help clients heal after making this decision for themselves, their family, and their community.


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Classical Chinese Medicine’s Profound Narrative of Healing

Sharon Weizenbaum

What is your narrative about how the body and healing work? Allopathic medicine is still the primary narrative most herbalists follow in diagnosis and treatment. Herbalists often fall into a story of the body as being vulnerable to attack, toxic, and reactive. Heal this story with the classical Chinese medicine narrative of openness, relationship, and resilience in life. Learn how an herb's flavor, nature, and appearance help guide us to truly heal from the broken story.


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Panel - What Does Responsible Stewardship Look Like?

Ann Armbrecht
Tim Blakely
Matt Dybala
Erin Smith

This collaboration builds on the panel discussion at the 2018 AHG Symposium on aggregating bioregional sources of medicinal herbs. The coronavirus is already having a huge impact on medicinal plants and the herbal products industry, putting pressure on plants that in ideal circumstances take several years to source responsibly. Spikes in demand are never good for supplies of medicinal plants and the communities that provide them. This panel will discuss how the herb community can help create more resilient and regionally-based sources of medicinal plants. We will seek to identify concrete action steps to move the discussion beyond ideas and into discussions of strategies to implement in each of our communities.

Vendor Fair and Herbalist & Alchemist Sponsor Spotlight

Sponsor: Herbalist & Alchemist

The Highs and Lows of Menopause

Feather Jones

In traditional cultures, when a woman no longer sheds her wise blood, she becomes an honored elder in the community. In our current culture, women aren't supported to feel that way. The intensity of hot flashes and other uncontrollable events makes one feel like they are skiing the black diamonds without ever taking a lesson. A tailored approach arms her with tools for the next wave of uprising challenges.


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Healing with Cannabis: The Endocannabinoid System

Joanna Matson-Tandberg

Joanna navigated many serious health issues, along with those of her two children, and her father, whom she helped heal naturally from stage 4 metastatic melanoma using Ayurvedic herbs and cannabis oils. She will discuss the Endocannabinoid system and the importance of creating homeostasis within this bodily system which influences the immune system and all other systems of the human body. She will teach about various cultivars, the "entourage effect", therapeutic extraction methods, and dosing.


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An Energetic Approach to Herbalism and Aromatherapy

Steven  Horne

All traditional systems of medicine rely on energetic systems (yin/yang, the four Western elements, the Chinese five elements, and so forth). How all these systems fit together has been a subject of study for me for over 35 years. I've created a new understanding of herbal energetics based on the idea that energy travels in cycles (or circles) and applied it to herbs, essential oils, tissue states, and emotions. I'll be presenting my energetic models for consideration and discussion.


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Keynote Address: The Spiritual Ecology of African Diasporic Herbalism

Leah Penniman

The Queen Mothers of Manya Krobo Ghana asked me during a visit, “Is it true that in the United States, the farmer will put a seed in the ground and say no prayer, offer no song or dance, make no libation, and not even say thank you to the ground and expect the seed to grow? Well, that is why you are all sick!” Let us come together to learn how Black agro-ecological traditions inform a relationship of consent, reciprocity, and deep listening with the sacred earth and our plant siblings. Let us explore how our connection to plants contributes to our healing and liberation as a society.


AHG Symposium Dance Party!

Zoom Meetups

Georgia Herbalists Guild & BotanoLogos

Case Studies from an Integrated Free Clinic

7Song  7Song

This class will look at case studies from the patients seen at the Ithaca Free Clinic, an integrated free clinic. These present a diversity of health issues and treatment approaches. Many of the patients seen at the clinic are new to herbal medicine and often have less access to resources, which present challenges to the herbalist that will also be addressed in this class.


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The Differential Use of Botanicals for Mental Health

Tieraona Low Dog

Rates of anxiety, depression, insomnia, opioid overdose, and suicide have been climbing during this pandemic. Clearly, the mental health of many is suffering. Botanicals, along with sensible recommendations for lifestyle and counseling, can be highly effective for improving mental and emotional well-being. Using case studies, clinical experience, historical use, and contemporary science, this presentation will explore various treatment protocols for mental health issues including anxiety, depression, and burnout.

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Herbalism in the Grieving Process

Lora Krall

Grief is the white elephant health crisis of our time. At some point each of us will grieve someone or something we have loved deeply. Grief has profound physiological changes in the body that can worsen already existing health issues or precipitate new ones. Learn how herbalism can provide you with the tools you need to care for yourself or anyone who grieves.


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Vendor Fair and Herbalist & Alchemist Sponsor Spotlight 2

Sponsor: Herbalist & Alchemist

Hashimoto's Disease and Pernicious Anemia

Keren Dolan

This case presentation covers a 49-year-old woman with a 17-year history of Hashimoto's thyroiditis and pernicious anemia. I supported her with diet, herbs, and lifestyle modifications with the goals of using a lower dose of thyroid medication, emotionally anchoring, and making choices from a position of informed power. We will discuss herbs and strategies used successfully to help support healthy mood, improved resilience in the stress response, improved energy, confidence in one's own healthcare, and the body’s ability to regulate hormone levels.

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Daily Routine: The Habits of Healing

Samuel Perry

We will explore the clinical importance - both in the intake process and in offering herbal protocols - of the Daily Routine. Our daily lives - a unique web of rhythms and relationships - shape who (and how) we are. In disease and in health, we are processes. We are verbs, not nouns. Healing supports the habits that make us well and restructures those we would do well to change.


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Autoimmunity and COVID-19

Talal Al-Hamad

In this timely presentation, we will begin with an overview of COVID-19 and what facts we know thus far in the pandemic. We will cover a general and more complex understanding of autoimmune diseases, including delving into initiators of autoimmune issues and the mechanism by which they occur. Treatment options for COVID-19 will be covered, including those from the medical model, supplements, herbs, and dietary approaches. We will also go over some emerging biological therapies and, finally, specific disease examples and case studies.


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Panel – Effective Herbal Protocols for Better Sleep

Larken  Bunce
Erika Galentin
Brian Keenan

Sleep quality is a key contributor to overall health. This panel discussion brings together three experienced practitioners discussing various herbal protocols they have found to be effective in addressing the range of issues that contribute to poor sleep patterns. In addition to specific materia medica, they’ll also explore the connection between chronic sleep issues and pathophysiology.


Who knew botanicals could be life changing? We did. For 40 years and counting, we’ve worked side-by-side with growers in countries all over the world. Through our Well Earth program, we help small farmers from Oregon to Sri Lanka improve their well-being and livelihoods through long-term investments in technology and training to improve quality and efficiency on their farms. But we don’t stop there. We invest in their communities, improving access to fresh water, medical and dental care, and educational opportunities along the way.

Just as we strive to do right by our people, we’re also committed to doing the right thing for our planet. We take pride in our sustainably sourced seasonings, herbs, teas, and ingredients. And we offer certified organic and non-GMO products whenever possible. Because when you respect the health and welfare of your planet, your people and your customers—it shows in everything you do.

For over 35 years, Herbalist and Alchemist has manufactured Practitioner-quality herbal extracts and exclusive formulas developed by David Winston RH, (AHG), internationally known lecturer, author and ethnobotanist.  Because of his exacting standards and extensive knowledge, H&A products are widely used by clinical herbalists for their quality and efficacy.

As a Certified B Corp, Herbalist & Alchemist is committed to ecological sustainability, producing quality products from plant material that originates in harmony with the environment: organically grown or ecologically harvested.  Third party testing is done on all extracts to screen for heavy metals, aflatoxins, and microbiological activity. The BIO-SPECIFIC™ product formulation process is based on knowledge of the chemistry, character and energetics of plants gained from traditional wisdom combined with leading modern research and decades of clinical experience. H&A is a resource for many practitioners seeking high quality herbal products as well as hard to find botanicals.

Based in California since 2007, Five Flavors Herbs cultivates a unique and specialized approach to holistic healing. Founded by Benjamin Zappin, professional herbalist and acupuncturist, and Dr. Ingrid Bauer, MD, MS, Five Flavors Herbs bridges the therapeutic traditions of East and West. Focused on sustainable, local, and ethically wild-harvested botanicals, Five Flavors Herbs formulates herbal products that provide superior care for individual patients and reliable tools for practitioners and purveyors. Our standard-bearing manufacturing capabilities, beloved community pharmacy, and FDA registered plant laboratory produce effective medicines and tonics used by renowned practitioners and clinics nationwide. Our formulas integrate the best of science-based phytotherapy with millenniums old healing traditions to ensure the most effective, high impact products possible.

Since Gaia Herbs was just a seedling in 1987, we have remained true to our purpose: Connecting people, plants & planet to create healing. We knew then what many are coming to realize now: that plants and people evolved together, that we are inextricably linked, and that plants hold the wisdom we need to heal.

Since 1989, Nammex has pioneered the development and manufacture of mushroom extracts for the health and wellness industry. Nammex specializes in mushroom products and is the premier supplier of organically certified mushroom extracts. Our commitment to quality and 45 years of mushroom growing experience is your guarantee of a safe, certain and highly effective product.

Because we focus entirely on mushrooms, we have been able to identify the active compounds in our products with an aggressive program of research and development. Our mushroom extracts are defined by scientific analysis. This means that you can guarantee to your customers that the important active compounds for which mushrooms are well known will be present. The Nammex mushroom testing fingerprint is fast becoming the industry standard.

Our mushroom product line is a complete source for wholesale distribution to health, functional food, and tonic drink manufacturers. We offer guaranteed quality standards based on accredited Good Manufacturing Practices. We have a complete line of Organically Certified mushroom powders and extracts and we offer quick and reliable shipment within North America. Mushrooms are our speciality. We can help your company make the right decision.


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