to the HR Tampa Virtual Conference
To help you have a great virtual experience, take a few moments to review the information on this page as you prepare to enter the virtual conference.
1. Ten Tips For a Great Conference
We’ve provided 10 TIPS to help you get the most out of the virtual conference environment. Click Here to check them out.
2. Schedule Concurrent Sessions to Attend
Speakers and sessions are listed below with a link to add them to your calendar. This is a great time to review the session descriptions and decide which presentations you want to attend over the next few days. You will have the opportunity to “chat” with speakers during their presentations so be sure and connect by using the chat feature in the meeting rooms.
If you are in a meeting room and don’t see the chat feature, just refresh your browser and the chat box should appear.
3. HRCI and SHRM Recertification Credits
The HR Tampa Virtual Conference is pre-approved for 15+ recertification credits (7 Business, 8 General, 1 Ethics, plus 5 additional credits pending approval). Sessions approved for HRCI Business and Ethics credits are indicated on the individual session descriptions. All others are approved for General.
When in the session (both on the day of the Conference and when accessing the presentation in the On-Demand Video section in the 90-day period following the conference) you will see a tab titled ‘Certification’. Clicking on this tab will allow you to download the certification information.
4. On Demand Videos
Once a scheduled session has concluded, it will move into the On Demand Videos section of the platform. From here, you’ll be able to access the great content from the conference sessions through January 27, 2022. Now you’ll be able to see the presentations and get additional recertification credits too.
5. Chat Lounge, Networking and Chat Features
You have many opportunities to interact with others attending the virtual conference. Connect with fellow HR professionals in the Chat Lounge. Here you will have the opportunity to join conversations, participate in topics and even start chat threads of your own. This is a great time to network and share ideas.
You may also chat with speakers during their presentation times in the meeting rooms. The speakers will be available during their sessions to answer your questions in the Chat Feature.
Also, while you are visiting booths in the virtual Exhibition Hall, vendors are also available to help you learn more about their products and services, so be sure and connect with them through the Chat Feature in their booths.
In any Chat, you can move from the public chat forum to have a private conversation. Simply click on ‘WHO’S HERE” in the Chat box, find the name of the person you’d like to connect with privately, click the icon next to their name to instigate a private chat. Once the private chat is over, just click back out the main chat box and you’re back with the rest of your peers in the public chat. It’s just that simple.
6. Play the Scavenger Hunt Game and Collect Activity Points for a Chance to Win Prizes
Be sure and join in the Scavenger Hunt Game. To play, just click on the Scavenger Hunt tab in any exhibit booth for the game rules and game card. Then search for items on the game card by going through exhibit booths. You can upload your completed game cards by clicking on the Scavenger Hunt tab in any booth to be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a $250 AMEX Gift Card.
And here’s another chance to win prizes!
The more you participate in the virtual conference, the more points you’ll earn. You’ll receive activity points for checking out Sponsor booths, chatting with speakers, vendors and peers, attending sessions and downloading materials. The more activity points you earn, the higher you will be on the Leaderboard.
To see who’s leading, go to the Help Center, click on Giveaway Score. The following prizes will be awarded for the conference attendees with the most activity points.
Top of the Board – HR Tampa Premium Membership
Second Place - HR Tampa Basic Membership
Third Place - $100 off membership price
Fourth Place - $50 off membership price
Fifth Place - $25 off membership price
7. Technical Questions About the Virtual Conference Platform During the Event
Some internet browsers have settings that may cause your computer to go into sleep mode. When it’s time for a session to start, refresh your screen to make sure your computer is awake and ready to go.
If you have any questions during the conference, click over to the HELP CENTER and click on NEED TECHNICAL HELP. Let us know what you need. Our technical support team will be available to assist you with any technical issues you may be having with the platform.
8. Click ENTER EVENT Button on the day of the event
When it’s time for the conference to start, get comfortable, refill your favorite beverage and refresh your screen. When you see ENTER EVENT in the top right corner of the navigation, click it to login and come on in. We’re glad you’re here.