
Lorna Kibbey

Lorna Kibbey is a content speaker and author, who focuses on helping leaders develop their most important, and most complex resources, people! Lorna designs and delivers leadership seminars and motivational keynotes to a variety of audiences. She is certified to conduct workplace assessments; workshops for teams; and workshops for all levels of employees, using Everything DiSC™. Lorna has firstā€hand experience in dealing with the most difficult situations managers face. She served as a leader and manager for more than 24 years in the public sector. Her years of experience in the public sector, combined with years of practice in all types of organizations have made her the leadership expert she is today. In fact, she “wrote the book” on becoming a better boss. Her book, “Becoming a Better Boss – Your Guidebook to 25 Fundamental Management Responsibilities” was published in 2019. Lorna earned her master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of South Florida and her Bachelor of Arts in Communication Arts from the University of Cincinnati. Lorna is an active member in the National Speaker’s Association and served as the 2019/2020 Dean of the Florida Speaker’s Association speaker academy. She currently serves Florida State University as an adjunct instructor for the state’s Certified Public Manager Program.


Lorna Kibbey - Ethics: A Higher Standard