
Sonia Aranza

Sonia Aranza is a 25-year veteran in the field of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. The U.S. Department of Labor describes her work as “Outstanding!” The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) selected Sonia as a featured Diversity & Inclusion Expert in HR Magazine. She is on the Faculty of Howard University’s Executive Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Program. Sonia’s clients include Boeing, CIA, Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, NASA, Pew Research, U.S. Air Force and many more. She was selected to execute congressionally mandated Diversity programs for several landmark cases and has conducted executive sessions for senior leaders including the Director of the CIA, Director of National Intelligence and CEOs of major corporations. She was honored “Outstanding Woman of the Year” by the National Association of Professional Asian American Women and named “100 Most Influential Filipina-Americans in the United States.


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