
Amy Klosterman

Amy Klosterman (she/her) is an attorney and consultant based out of Seattle, Washington, providing independent investigations to schools and workplaces as well as training and consulting on school and workplace legal issues. Amy also serves as an expert witness to both plaintiffs and defendants in litigation.

Amy opened her law firm in 2019 to share her dedication for civil rights in schools and workplaces after completing 14 years as an attorney with the federal government. For 11 years, Amy was an attorney at the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR), where she investigated hundreds of school-based student and employee complaints in areas such as Title IX sexual harassment, Title IX athletics, Section 504/ADA accommodations, FAPE, retaliation against students and employees, website and physical facility accessibility, and race/national origin discrimination. Amy received her Bachelor of Arts from Swarthmore College with Honors, and received her Juris Doctor from Case Western Reserve School of Law. She is the vice president of the Mother Attorneys Mentoring Association of Seattle and serves on the board of the Northwest Association of Title IX Administrators. Her hobbies include running, reading, and baking, and she is currently learning to play the trumpet in the Suzuki method along with her school-aged son.


State of Title IX