
Alan Swenson, Kno2

Vice President of Interoperability

Alan Swenson is the Vice President of Interoperability at Kno2, where his focus is on improving interoperability across the entire continuum of care. Alan is responsible for overseeing specific projects aimed to extend interoperability into hard to reach markets, and groups not previously part of government incentive programs to drive interoperability, such as LTPAC, behavioral health, emergency medical services, and more. He represents Kno2’s partners and customers in industry trade associations and actively participates and leads in other industry interoperability initiatives, such as Carequality and the CommonWell Health Alliance. Alan currently serves as Vice-Chair of the NASL IT Committee, leading NASL interoperability initiatives such as recent comments to the ONC and CMS proposed interoperability rules and ONC's draft two of the Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement (TEFCA).


Practical Application of Information Blocking and Interoperability Rules