
Richard Landes

Scholars for Peace in the Middle East

Richard Landes was trained as a medievalist, and has focussed on a variety of themes that traverse ancient medieval and modern history: apocalyptic beliefs and millennial movements, shame-honor cultures, demotic religiosity, communications revolutions. He is retired, living in Jerusalem, and writing a great deal under conditions of Covid19.


Starting in 2000, was the "fake news"about Israel ground zero for today’s crisis in journalism?

Starting with the outbreak of the “Al Aqsa Intifada” in September 2000, the Western legacy news media has been engaged in misreporting of the news from the Middle East that has no parallel in its widespread consensus and lengthy hegemony… twenty years and counting. Since then, and with increasing velocity in the last five years, the invasion of manipulative partisan reporting into what should be news media dedicated to accuracy and relevance has become a major plague in Western cultures, especially acute in this time of pandemic. This panel will explore the dynamics of this pandemic of distorted and inaccurate news, and its impact on Western cultures.


Roundtable B: "Fake News" about Israel: Ground Zero for Today’s Journalism Crisis