
Mennatullah Hendawy

TU Berlin and Ain Shams University


Mennatullah Hendawy is affiliated with the Chair of Urban Design, TU Berlin, the Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space in Erkner, Germany and Ain Shams University in Cairo. Mennatullah works on the intersection of urban planning, mediatisation, and justice where she is fascinated by knowledge, power, and agency as they are manifested in and co-construct cities and the public sphere.


Housing as [in]visible Spouse: Divorced Women with Custody between Law, Real Estate and Culture in Egypt


Investigating the sociolegal entanglement of marriage and divorce to dismantle the housing crisis in Egypt. Through an intersectional feminist geography lens, Egyptian films discussing aspects surrounding the custody-house are mapped and explored in connection with the views of 22 divorced women.


Who Stands with Women in the Middle East?