
Erica De Bruin

Hamilton College


Erica De Bruin is an assistant professor at Hamilton College and the author of How to Prevent Coups d’etat: Counterbalancing and Regime Survival (Cornell University Press, 2020). Her research focuses on civil-military relations and civil war.

Zachary Karabatak is PhD Candidate at Georgetown University, where his research focuses on civil wars and violent non-state actors within the Middle East.


The Rise of Militarized Policing in the Middle East and North Africa


In recent decades, police forces in the Middle East and North Africa have become more militarized—adopting the weaponry, culture, and organization of military forces. This article presents new data documenting changes in militarized policing over time, identifies regional drivers of militarization, and evaluates the political effects of militarized policing.


The Pursuit of Physical Security in East Africa