
Alexandra Rutherford

Alexandra Rutherford is a professor of psychology at York University in Toronto where she directs the Historical, Theoretical, and Critical Studies of Psychology graduate program. Her current project examines the relationships among feminism, psychology, and policy in the late 20th-century United States. She is a past-president of Divisions 1 and 26 of APA, and a fellow of both EPA and APA. In 2016 she received the Florence Denmark Distinguished Mentoring Award from the Association for Women in Psychology (AWP) and in 2012 won the AWP Distinguished Publication Award for her co-edited volume Handbook of International Feminisms: Perspectives on Psychology, Women, Culture, and Rights. She is the founder and director of the Psychology's Feminist Voices oral history and digital archive project, co-author of two history of psychology textbooks, and has published extensively on the history of feminist psychology and gender issues. Over the last 20 years she has given more than 50 keynote or invited addresses from Boston to Belo Horizonte.




History of Psychology & EPA Presidential Invited Keynote: Alexandra Rutherford