
Barry Schneider

Barry H. Schneider is a member of the Department of Psychology, Boston College, which he joined in 2014 after a 33-year career as professor of psychology at the University of Ottawa, Canada and child-clinical psychologist in part-time practice. He has been visiting professor in 11 countries and is involved actively in research projects in Italy, Spain and Cuba.  The overarching theme of his research is the interpersonal relationships of children and adolescents, especially children and adolescents with ADHD and social anxiety. In addition to over 120 articles in refereed journals, Dr. Schneider is the author or editor of 6 books.  The second edition of his text and reference book, Friends and Enemies, was published in 2016.  His teaching includes courses on the depiction of mental disorder in film and the psychology of the immigration experience.



International Psychology Keynote: Barry Schneider