
Anna CohenMiller

Dr. Anna CohenMiller is an arts-based qualitative research methodologist and award-winning innovative pedagogue who examines issues of equity and inclusion in higher education in Kazakhstan and internationally. She focuses on issues of gender in education and on improving teaching and learning across educational contexts. Dr. CohenMiller has a background in developing interdisciplinary, grant funded international collaborations and community initiatives. Select leadership include: Co-Founding Director of The Consortium of Gender Scholars (Kazakhstan, www.gen-con.org) leading a partnership with the Asian Qualitative Research Association, Founder of The Motherscholar Project (www.motherscholar.org), and Editor in Chief of Dialogue: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Popular Culture and Pedagogy (www.journaldialogue.org). Her forthcoming book, Questions in Qualitative Research in Multicultural Contexts, will be available from Routledge in Fall 2021.


Adapting photovoice for online use during times of disruption: Addressing issues of equity and inclu