Dr. Lamantia is recognized as one of the Profession’s foremost experts on non-surgical Scoliosis care. In 2008 Dr. Lamantia Graduated with a Master’s Degree in Neuropsychology Rehabilitation and earned his Diplomate status in Chiropractic Neurology in 2006. Dr. Lamantia is a graduate of Logan College of Chiropractic, and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology. Dr. Lamantia is heavily involved in the field as a founding member of the conservative orthopedic group (SOSORT), the Science Advisor for the non-profit Scoliosis Care Foundation, and certified Schroth Method practitioner and Spinecor Bracing specialist.
Dr. Lamantia’s dynamic background led him to be the Co-Founder of Scoliosis Systems LLP, a leading company in non-surgical scoliosis treatment. Scoliosis Systems LLP currently has 17 locations nationwide and utilizes chiropractors as the primary provider of early intervention, comprehensive neuro-musculoskeletal diagnoses and indicated treatment. In addition to caring for patients, Scoliosis Systems LLP also provides education and opportunity to Chiropractors.
Dr. Lamantia currently practices in the New York Office for Scoliosis Systems LLP and is an Adjunct Faculty member with New York Chiropractic College where he teaches Postgraduate Education in Scoliosis and Neurology. From 2016-2018 Dr. Lamantia has taught the Neurology portion of for the Upper Cervical Diplomate and i the author of a disciplinary seminar series on the Evaluation and Management of Scoliosis for the non-surgical provider.
Neural Network disorganization in Scoliosis and the role of long term potentiation