As a storyteller for the last 20+ years, Judy has leveraged the power of a well-told story that educates, informs, and persuades influencers and media across multiple platforms. She’s connected brands with non-profits on a range of social and public health and societal issues ranging from women’s workplace literacy, girls in sports, relationship violence, family homelessness, sustainability, and the environment. Using these skills she and her colleagues at MoJJo Collaborative Communications have successfully helped clients share their stories at virtual meetings, identifying story opportunities, connecting press via targeted media roundtables and 1:1 interviews with subject matter experts to tell their stories, regardless of time or location. Screen reader support enabled. As a storyteller for the last 20+ years, Judy has leveraged the power of a well-told story that educates, informs, and persuades influencers and media across multiple platforms. She’s connected brands with non-profits on a range of social and public health and societal issues ranging from women’s workplace literacy, girls in sports, relationship violence, family homelessness, sustainability, and the environment. Using these skills she and her colleagues at MoJJo Collaborative Communications have successfully helped clients share their stories at virtual meetings, identifying story opportunities, connecting press via targeted media roundtables and 1:1 interviews with subject matter experts to tell their stories, regardless of time or location.
Successful Press Engagement at Virtual Conferences