
Dane Rianhard

Dane has over 24 years of experience in insurance and benefit planning. His foundation of knowledge and experience built on the fundamentals of life insurance and risk planning, allow him to educate clients and bring them a clear overview of pertinent issues in the marketplace. His skill as a negotiator and his long-standing relationships with insurance carriers enhance his value as an advisor to his clients.

Dane is a great listener and he brings a sincere, empathetic style to his consultations with business owners, CEOs, CFOs, human resource managers and their employees. Dane is a founding principal at TriBridge and works as a senior consultant primarily to the employers of larger workforces.

Progressive best practices in the management of population health, risk factors, plan design and long-term stabilization of healthcare inflation are areas of expertise for Dane. Dane is actively involved health insurance legislation and has advised the IRS on many aspects of PPACA.


Welcome Back / Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME)
Legislative Town Hall