
Manas Gaur, Ph.D. Candidate

Manas Gaur is currently a Ph.D. Student in Artificial Intelligence Institute at the University of South Carolina. He has been Data Science and AI for Social Good Fellow with the University of Chicago and Dataminr Inc.  His interdisciplinary research funded by NIH and NSF operationalizes the use of Knowledge Graphs, Natural Language Understanding, and Machine Learning to solve social good problems in the domain of Mental Health, Cyber Social Harms, and Crisis Response. His work has appeared in premier AI and Data Science conferences (CIKM, WWW, AAAI, CSCW), journals in science (PLOS One, Springer-Nature, IEEE Internet Computing, JMIR), and healthcare-specific meetings (NIMH MHSR, AMIA). Contact him at manas@email.sc.edu | twitter.com/manasgaur90 | https://manasgaur.github.io


Electronic Health Records Breakout Session II