
Hayley Rambur // Midas Gold Idaho, Inc.

Mining Education

In order to have a future generation of miners, industry leaders must take an active role in capturing the attention of young students and supporting educators. Many school districts are seeking help with STEM education programming and hands-on learning opportunities. Mining companies have a unique opportunity to collaborate with local schools and help students understand the options available to them through a career in STEM. Learn more about Midas Gold Idaho’s educational outreach initiative and get ideas on how industry can continue to support the next generation of miners.

About the Presenter

Hayley Rambur holds degrees in geology and secondary education from the University of Idaho. With a passion for STEM education, she is able to put her skills to good use as the community education manager for Midas Gold Idaho, where she spends a lot of her time in classrooms and out in the community helping people understand the important role mining plays in all of our lives.


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