
Chris Guedes, PE // Itafos

The New NEPA—Planning Ahead to Support the New Time Restrictions

As the new NEPA guidelines concerning the time allowed for processing an EIS promulgate through federal agencies, several areas require planning in order to support these guidelines. Looking at the areas that can be roadblocks to completing an EIS in 12 months is critical. This presentation will take a look at several issues permitting managers must keep in mind. We will examine the areas of baseline data collection, analysis of groundwater impacts and alternatives, and how permitting managers must frontload these areas to facilitate a successful EIS in 12 months.

About the Presenter

Chris Guedes began NEPA permitting full-time in 2013. Prior to working in the NEPA field, Chris worked as a civil engineer as well as in the the medical private practice industry in management and consulting. Chris holds BA in Business Management, an MBA, and a BS in Civil Engineering.



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