New Techniques for Performance Evaluation of High-Precision Single Axis Linear Positioning Systems
Linear positioning systems are utilized in wide-ranging manufacturing applications from machine tools to high-precision applications such as semiconductors and photovoltaics. New linear positioning systems exist with ranges of motion as long as several centimeters and positioning resolutions as low as several nanometers. The ability to meet high-precision manufacturing tolerances requires accurate knowledge of the positioning performance of these systems, yet a dedicated standard for evaluating the performance of high-precision single axis linear positioning systems does not exist. Existing standards for the performance of single axis linear positioning systems within machine tools (ASME B5.54-2005, ASME B5.57-2012, ISO 230-1:2012) can be difficult to apply for the performance of high-precision positioning systems that can approach the measurement uncertainty. A new standard with measurement methods specific to characterization of these stages is needed.
This tutorial outlines a new approach for performance evaluation of single axis linear positioning systems that is being developed with input from industry, academia, and government in coordination with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), which will ultimately culminate in a new standard. This tutorial will highlight the new approaches, instrumentation and methods being considered for high-precision linear stages. Characterization of the positioning-related errors and the stage error motions, both straightness and angular, will be covered. Several tutors will present in an interactive workshop format. Participants will have opportunities to provide input to the draft standard and engage with the committee.
Dr. Gregory W. Vogl is a Mechanical Engineer at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) located in Gaithersburg, Maryland. He received his degrees in Engineering Mechanics from Virginia Tech, after which Greg designed, fabricated, and experimented on microelectromechanical systems as a National Research Council Postdoctoral Researcher at NIST. Greg then joined the Production Systems Group, in which he worked on standards development for machine tools and vibration metrology for accelerometers. Currently, Greg is a member of the Prognostics and Health Management for Reliable Operations in Smart Manufacturing (PHM4SM) project, which seeks to develop methodologies, protocols, and reference datasets to enable robust real-time diagnostics and prognostics for smart manufacturing systems. Greg develops sensor-based solutions for on-machine and real-time health assessment of machine tool linear axes and spindles. For his contributions, Greg is also the recipient of a NIST Engineering Laboratory Mentoring Award and NIST Colleagues’ Choice Award.
Session 6-4:Development of a new standard for the performance evaluation of single axis linear posit