
Kay Laurence

Kay Laurencehas been involved in training, breeding and rearing dogs for over 40 years. What began as a hobby morphed into a full-time business via college teaching and sheep farming, with a passion for learning about dogs and effective teaching being a constant thread.Her business, Learning About Dogs, was established in 1996 and provides learning opportunities for dog professionals, training enthusiasts and everyday living with dogs.
Laurence leads the way in developing innovative and creative techniques that deliver connection and effective teaching for both dogs and people blended with passion, joy and enthusiasm. Her career has involved practical teaching and presenting for a variety of professional and academic organizations in the U.S., Australia, New Zealand, several European countries and across the U.K.
Laurence is also designer of the Genabacab Table Game for teaching operant conditioning (aka PORTAL), designer of the Clicker CAP (Competency Assessment Program), a competitor at Crufts in Obedience and Heelwork to Music finals, and breeder of collies under the Genabacab affix for sports partners, working dogs and full-time companions.
She has been the publisher, editor and general collator for Teaching Dogs Magazine for four years, has published several books and DVDs on training life skills, clicker training and specialties and has been offering practical and online courses for 10 years in short- and long-term training modules.


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Cue Technology