
Dr. Conor  Brady

Having graduated with a degree in zoology in 2002, Dr. Conor Brady obtained a doctorate from University College Dublin, Eire, studying the effects of nutrition on the behavior and gut morphology of mammals. After college, he joined Irish Guide Dogs as a pup supervisor and guide dog trainer in 2006. Three years later, he moved to Guide Dogs Perth to help establish a pup program there. It was there he encountered the raw movement in earnest (it being the land of raw pioneer vets, Billinghurst and Lonsdale). Soon after, the Natural Dog Seminar was born and Dr. Brady took it on the road.
In 2011, he returned home to form Ireland's first raw dog food company in 2012. Following some success on the TV show Dragons Den in 2013, he moved the company on two years later. Since then, he has been back in full-time research – writing, speaking and consulting on all things canine nutrition and health. His speaking engagements now take him all over the world.
His forthcoming book, Raw Science (available September 2020) was to be the first independent, scientific appraisal of the dry versus raw debate.


The Role of Nutrition on Behaviour
Why High Carbohydrates Cause Obesity, Diabetes, Cancer, & Pancreatitis in Pets & What to Feed