Don Hanson ACCBC, BFRAP, CDBC, CPDT-KA, is the co-owner of the Green Acres Kennel Shop in Bangor, Maine, where he has been helping people with their pets since 1995. Don also produces and co-hosts The Woof Meow Show, a weekly radio show and podcast, and maintains a blog at words-woofs-meows.com. He has presented seminars on pet behavior, dog training, pet nutrition, and Bach Flower Remedies in Canada, the Caribbean, Japan, and throughout the US.
Don has been very active in the pet community, serving on the Bangor Humane Society Board of Directors for fifteen years, including five years as its President. He served on the APDT Board of Trustees for nine years, including three terms as the Board Chair. In October of 2014, The APDT Board of Trustees named Don the APDT Dr. Ian Dunbar Member of the Year.
A longtime advocate for pet-friendly pet care, Don joined the PPG in 2015, having finally found an organization committed to pet care free of pain, force, and fear. Don enrolls all team members as members of the PPG as soon as they have completed their staff training. Compliance with the PPG Guiding Principles is a condition of employment.
Don was asked to join the PPG Advocacy Committee in September of 2016 and was appointed Co-Chair in February of 2018. He was appointed to the PPG Steering Committee and chair of the Shock-Free Coalition in October of 2019.
Don and his wife Paula share their home with Muppy, a nine y/o Cocker/Terrier mix, and Boomer, a six y/o DSH cat.
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