
Charles Dunning

Charles joined Wellntel in 2017 following a 21-year career with the U.S. Geological Survey. All of those years were spent at the Wisconsin Water Science Center where he was a Supervisory Hydrologist and Groundwater Specialist, leading teams of hydrologists, engineers, and other scientists in conducting groundwater studies that included groundwater flow modeling and the collection of basic records. For 3 years (2010 to 2013) Charles was a Water Resources Advisor in the Water Resource Programme of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria. He led the IAEA Water Availability Enhancement Project (IWAVE) to strengthen IAEA Member States’ national capacity to conduct comprehensive assessments of their water resources. Charles has advanced degrees in Geology and Civil Engineering, and has 35 years of professional experience in geology and hydrogeology, domestically and internationally.


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