
Bart Njoku-Obi

Bart has over 18 years of experience in organizational strategy and deployment, business operations improvement, corporate development, and legal counsel. Entrepreneurial-minded with management or project experience at VC-funded tech startups and large enterprises, coupled with public service in regulatory compliance. Consulted with firms in Silicon Valley CA, Research Triangle Park NC, Atlanta GA, and overseas.

ASQ-Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence. Bart has employed metrics-driven Lean concepts to facilitate organizational process improvement, root cause analysis, cross-functional team collaboration, design and deployment, organizational development needs, communication strategies, and performance measurement. 

Licensed legal counsel in multiple jurisdictions: Georgia, California, and North Carolina. Bart has an MBA in Information Technology Management and E-Business from Wake Forest University, a Juris Doctor (Cum Laude) from North Carolina Central University, and BSc degrees in Economics and Agricultural Economics from North Carolina State University.


Teaming: The Small Business Strategy to Jump-starting Federal Contracting
Corporate Supplier Development Readiness for Small Business