
Babs Tierno, MA

Executive Director
Autism Tennessee
Nashville, Tennessee


Babs has Bachelor degrees in Psychology, Sociology, Criminal Justice, and Interdisciplinary Legal Studies from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville and her Master’s degree in Education from Middle Tennessee State University. Babs has 14 years of non-profit experience. Previously, she has worked for a non-profit law firm assisting individuals in securing necessary medical treatment, as well as several years working with abused and neglected children in juvenile court. Prior to her move to Middle TN in 2007, Babs worked in law enforcement and public defense.  Babs experience with autism is personal. Her sons, now 10 and 5, were diagnosed at the age of two. Babs lives in Gallatin with her husband, two sons, and animals- dogs and guinea pigs. 


Brkout 1 -- Autism and the Crisis Response