
Rebecca Escott

Rebecca Escott has more than 30 years of experience supporting early care and OST professionals, including focused work with family child care professionals. She is a curriculum author and project coordinator, including authoring the online professional development module “Family Child Care: Welcome Wonder through Inquiry-Based Strategies. She holds an MEd in Training Design and Development. She has written and taught online and campus-based ECE courses, supporting pre-service and in-service ECE professionals. She has authored more than twenty-five online professional development modules for Penn State Better Kid Care. She was a pre-conference session presenter at NAFCC in 2017 and has presented at national conferences for 4-H professionals and afterschool providers. Her most recent authorships include coaching materials to support infant-toddler professionals and directors and program leaders serving as in-house coaches.


Finding Wonder in Found Objects: Creating an Inquiry-Rich Home Care Program