Craig S. Mullins is a data management strategist, researcher, and consultant. Craig is working with Datavail and its DB2 practice to expand offerings and client base. He is President and Principal Consultant at Mullins Consulting, Inc. and the publisher of The Database Site (www.thedatabasesite.com). He has three decades of experience in all facets of database management and has worked with DB2 on the mainframe since V1. Craig has been appointed by IBM as an Information Champion and he has experience with multiple other database systems including Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase. Craig is the author of two books – “DB2 Developer's Guide” currently in its 6th edition and “Database Administration: The Complete Guide to DBA Practices and Procedures,” the industry’s only guide to heterogeneous DBA. Craig also is a frequent speaker at industry conferences and has spoken to thousands of technicians at conferences across North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. You also may have read some of Craig’s industry articles in his blogs and popular journals such as DM Review, DB2 Magazine, SSWUG, Enterprise Tech Journal and others.
DB2 Developer's Guide Comes Alive!
The Cloud Is Coming!