
Dorothea Käsermann

I am Dorethea Käsermann, a Communication Skills Trainer from La Leche League Switzerland (Europe). My husband and I have four grownup children and live in the countryside near the city of Lucerne. My breastfeedingjourney started in Australia when our first son was born. I became a breastfeeding counselor with NMAA (now: Australian Breastfeeding Association) when our first daughter had her first birthday. Then we moved to Switzerland and I became a breastfeeding counselor with LLL, shortly before the birth of our second daughter. When our second son was three weeks, I first met the ladies from CSD Germany – and was hooked. I became a CSD Facilitator and later a CSD Trainer. My youngest is now eighteen and I travel around Europe to train new CSD Facilitators.


Listening with your heart