
Johanna Rhys-Davies

Johanna Rhys-Davies graduated from Oxford University and spent around ten years as a barrister, specialising in domestic abuse cases, as well as immigration, asylum, and human rights law. Johanna was profoundly affected by becoming a mother and through her experience of mothering through breastfeeding with support from her local La Leche League group. In 2010 Johanna co-founded a local grassroots advocacy group to improve maternity care for her community, and in 2013 she joined the UK charity: Birthrights, as a speaker and trainer on Human Rights in Maternity care. She is also the legal trustee for the Iolanthe Trust, a charity awarding educational grants to midwives. Johanna accredited as an LLL Leader in 2014 and is a trustee and departmental Director of LLL of Great Britain (LLLGB). She co-leads a local LLL group in both South Wales (UK) and New South Wales (Australia) where she has personal ties. Johanna is passionate about ensuring inclusive appreciation for the work of every LLL Leader across the world, as well as making Human Rights Law accessible to those whom it effects the most. Johanna loves yoga, walking and living by the sea wherever she is in the world. She home educates her 7 year old son Bob, whom she nursed to natural term.


Breastfeeding and human rights