IRF Roundtable Virtual Summit

Friday • 16th July 2021


The IRF Secretariat and the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation are pleased to welcome all interested in IRF Roundtables and IRF Business Roundtables to participate in this virtual event in follow up to the 2021 IRF Summit.

This event is is fully non-partisan and welcome to all faiths and beliefs, including those without a religious belief. 

The virtual event will have special panels exploring both the workings of IRF Roundtables and IRF Business Roundtables around the world as well as launch new global initiatives in support of freedom of religion or belief (FORB).

This event will also include selected sessions from the IRF Summit that show how religious freedom is for everyone, everywhere, all the time, as stated in Article 18 of the UDHR:

“Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change [one's] religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest [one's] religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.”

The program will be announced later in June, so stay tuned for updates!


All times are Eastern Time Printable Schedule || Times, presenters and sessions are subject to change.


8:58 AM
9:00 AM

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Short Video - IRF Global Survey

Greg  Mitchell



9:00 AM
9:28 AM

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Planning for a New Approach

Simran  Singh Stuelpnagel


Our current state of continual uncertainty surrounding the pandemic reminds me how many individuals belonging to religious groups around the world experience daily uncertainty for being people of faith. Amidst 20-plus years of rising government restrictions on religion and social hostilities involving religion, the global movement to advance religious freedom needs a new approach. Increasing government restrictions and social hostilities show how the world today is religiously less free than years past. This increase has occurred despite the remarkable work of religious freedom advocates and builders. Because of these challenging trends, the IRF secretariat studied new directions for expanding and coordinating religious freedom, or freedom of religion or belief (FORB) initiatives. This session will discuss new opportunities, both globally and regionally, that advocates and builders can work on cooperatively to see these trends reversed.

Open discussion of these ideas will continue after the Business panel.


9:28 AM
10:00 AM

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The Business Case for International Religious Freedom

Kathy  Ireland


Three top business leaders will address the virtual IRF Summit on July 16th, in a plenary presentation. They will discuss how and why religious freedom is a benefit to business and economies. They will also look at how business itself is a place where religious freedom is built as people from different faiths and beliefs work together for common goals. Our planet will have 2.3 billion more religiously affiliated people by 2050 compared with just 0.1 billion more religiously unaffiliated people. That’s like religion “winning” 23-to-1. Research shows that this religious growth can be good for the workplace and the bottom lines of businesses – as long as restrictions on freedom of religion or belief are kept low. In such countries, innovative strength is more than twice as high as in countries where governments and societies don’t respect freedom of religion or belief. So, freedom to believe – or not believe – is good for business.

Open discussion begins immediately following this panel.


10:00 AM
10:45 AM

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Open Discussion of Next Steps

Greg  Mitchell


Join us for an interactive discussion of next steps for the IRF movement, including the implications of the just-released Global IRF Survey.

Expanding freedom of religion or belief (FORB) globally will need to rely on new directions, according to a new study conducted by the IRF Secretariat in collaboration with the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation. The study includes data from ten focus groups and a global survey of more than 200 respondents representing points of view for 50 countries making up nearly three-quarters of the world’s population.


The IRF Secretariat is the social convener of the global network of Roundtables which is the premier space for practical policy discussions and inclusive coordination of actions between faith communities, civil society and governments.

The Religious Freedom & Business Foundation is the preeminent organization dedicated to educating the global business community, policymakers, non-government organizations and consumers about the positive power that faith — and religious freedom for all — has on business and the economy. Click for more.