
Sarah Piscitelli,LP-MHC

Sarah Piscitelli, LP-MHC, is a mental health counselor and the Fidelity Specialist for OnTrackNY, a Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC) program for first episode psychosis. As Fidelity Specialist, she heads evaluation and reporting for over twenty OnTrackNY programs in New York State. In addition, she has provided state and nationwide clinical training and technical assistance on the OnTrackNY model to clinicians providing CSC services. She has a background in research and has worked on initiatives and NIMH protocols focused on improving care for individuals with serious mental disorders, with a particular emphasis on family services and pathways to care. 


Brkout 2B - On & Upward: Transition Plng & Discharge in OnTrackNY Coordinated Specialty Care Progs