Event Help

This page is to help you troubleshoot any issues you may be experiencing while attempting to view the conference. Please be sure to read through each section carefully to guarantee your system is updated and compatible for an optimal virtual experience.

Enter Event

To enter the event, simply return to the event page, click on "Enter Event" in the top navigation bar.


Keep your Browser up to date.
Maintaining the most current browser version will ensure all event features will be enabled. Here are some links to the most common browsers if you need to update.


Video transcript: Hello! The purpose of this video is to test your system's bandwidth and confirm that you are able to receive your event's audio and video elements. Please confirm that you can see and hear this content. If you're experiencing any technical difficulties, please contact your event's coordinators. Thank you, and we hope you enjoy this event brought to you by VConferenceOnline!

If you can see the video above, you're all set and able to connect to the video services. If not, here are some suggestions for getting things going on your system:

The most common symptom of issues with the player is choppy video. The other thing you may see is the buffering icon. These tips should help resolve these issues.

You can test your overall connection speed here: www.speedtest.net

First, determine if it's your connection speed. Frame drops will occur if your current connection isn't able to maintain the 550kbps download rate needed to view the stream. If you can normally maintain this rate make sure there are no background applications using the majority of your bandwidth or CPU. Or if you at a large office during peak hours there may be a lack of bandwidth due to traffic volume. If the problem persists you will be able to watch the event in the OnDemand area(if available) where the video will stop to buffer for slower internet speeds.

Second, you can try the following if you're not getting any image or sound at all:

  • If you're accessing the Internet by way of a VPN, consider connecting without it for viewing the show. We've seen issues with VPNs not allowing the streaming protocols through to the end-user systems.

  • If you're seeing the buffering icon, this indicates a connection bandwidth issue. It's likely that your network is saturated and is having trouble keeping up with the streaming. Test your speed here: test

  • If you are in a corporate environment, and are unable to see the video, you may need to ask that the video be allowed through the firewall. Please contact your IT personnel for assistance.


Video: What do I do if I experience audio and/or video drop offs?
Video: No sound or video
Video: How much bandwidth is required to see the sessions successfully?
General: How do I enter the event?