15th Annual Conference, Society for Humanistic Psychology, APA Division 32

Toward a Post-human(e)istic Psychology: Deconstructing, Preparing, and Engaging


FRIDAY, MARCH 25 through SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2022

This conference will focus on the future of humanistic psychology by acknowledging its past as we prepare to move toward a post human(e)istic psychology. This movement and action pivots on honorable deconstruction to build an alternative to supremacist ideologies in professional practice, including research, assessment, therapeutic care, scholarship, and “super”-vision. As we rebuild, we better position humanistic psychology (HP) to prepare for and respond to a post-humanistic world, while addressing the existential crises of sustainability, ecology, global warming, our movement away from speciesism and the rising of the post-human age of machines. With this, we are tasked to engage ourselves as practitioners and public scholars in the world and on the edge of situated values (humanistic, existential, transpersonal, spiritual) of our tradition. Calling upon Cornell West’s “organic intellectual,” we are prepared to dive into interprofessional and interdisciplinary circles and events that this conference honors.

We are pleased to offer APA-approved continuing education (CE) credits as part of the registration fee. APA Division 32, Society for Humanistic Psychology is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. APA Division 32, Society for Humanistic Psychology maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

**For registration below** 

Please note that an area to enter payment information will appear when you select your "Membership Level" (that is, registration type).  Also, be sure to remember the password you decide upon, as you will need it to access the conference.

**Contact Us**
If you have questions about the conference or how to register, contact us at shp22conference@gmail.com

We look forward to being with you at the conference!  Please keep an eye on your email for a more detailed schedule that is coming soon.