Session List
Full Schedule
Date/Time Session Room
5/23/2019 11:00 AM -to- 12:00 PM Data Ethics, Protection and Privacy
Stephen Wynkoop
With evolving laws, guidelines and expectations, the ethics surrounding information and data are being actively reshaped and tuned.  Find out about changes, coming changes and important areas to watch as you build out your plans for managing your data sets from "womb to tomb." 
Room 1
5/23/2019 11:00 AM -to- 12:00 PM Key Career Management Objectives and Tricks
Laura Rose
Stephen Wynkoop
Stephen and Laura will be talking through the different approaches to managing a career as an IT Professional. They'll be looking at different ways of keeping up on the different technologies you embrace, and the importance of doing just that.  Different approaches, objectives, and techniques for managing your career in the gig economy and even with career paths within a specific company will be discussed.
Room 2
5/23/2019 12:00 PM -to- 1:00 PM Staying Valuable in a Rapidly Changing Employment Environment
Laura Rose
Regardless of what industry you are interested in, the way people communicate, shop, interact, network have all changed.
Most fields have undergone automation in how they sell, how they manufacture, how they manage, how they communicate, how they travel, how they advertise, how they handle customer support and how they conduct their daily business.

The common denominator in all environments is Technology.

As much as technology has changed our personal lives, it’s forcing even more radical shifts in the workplace.

So - how do you thrive in this changing work environment?

Technological advances have always led to job loss in the short term but economic booms in the long term. It may be unsettling. But one thing is clear: To stay competitive in the evolving economy, you must prepare yourself for a workplace that looks very different from the one to which you’ve grown accustomed.

This presentation is specifically for individuals who want to get ahead by staying valuable and even thrive in a rapidly changing work environment.
Room 1
5/23/2019 12:00 PM -to- 1:00 PM Security in the Real-World - What to Know When It All Hits the Fan
Duncan McAlynn
Stephen Wynkoop
In this session, Stephen and Duncan will be discussing things that are happening with data privacy and security response challenges being faced by all data professionals today.  We'll look at real-world examples of both what has been done, and what needs to be done.  The implications of getting it right, and those of missing the call to update tools and approaches used.  Duncan's extensive experience working with companies to shore up their security systems provides guidance and sometimes stark reminders about what needs to be front-of-mind when it comes to managing systems.
Room 2
5/23/2019 1:00 PM -to- 2:00 PM DB2 Developer's Guide Comes Alive!
Craig Mullins
Tips, techniques, and guidelines for best practices in the development of DB2 databases and applications.
Room 1
5/23/2019 1:00 PM -to- 2:00 PM The Cloud Is Coming!
Craig Mullins
Craig Mullins and Stephen will be discussing the impact on DBAs and professionals that the cloud has brought - from management to best practices to job security.  They'll be talking about some of the pros and cons to consider and the experiences some have been through in rushing to the cloud without taking the time to understand the right approaches and right things that drive choices.   Craig and Stephen will also talk about the proliferation of devices, data collection and other things that drive DBAs forward and influence choices and direction.
Room 2
5/23/2019 2:00 PM -to- 3:00 PM 3 Performance Tuning Tricks for an Efficient Database Expert
Pinal Dave
No one wants the slow performance of their application. In this session, we will learn about three performance tuning tricks which DBA must know to improve their SQL Server’s performance. We will understand what are those tricks, and how efficiently we can use it in just 60 minutes. We will explore various settings as well as code which will kill SQL Server Performance. At the end of this session, every attendee will receive scripts which will help them improve their SQL Server’s performance. This session is of intermediate level – you just have to know a little bit about SQL Server and a lot more you will learn in this session. The session is carefully crafted from the real world experience for DBA so they can learn tricks which can help them to improve their server’s performance.
Room 1
5/23/2019 2:00 PM -to- 3:00 PM Thinking Like an Attacker
K. Brian Kelley
Stephen Wynkoop
In this discussion, Brian and Stephen will talk about the attacker and the attacker’s viewpoint. If we only look at systems from a traditional defender’s point-of-view, we’ll miss key points of weakness which a savvy adversary will take advantage of. They’ll talk about threat modeling, how to leverage this to look at our defensive countermeasures, and what to do about the vulnerabilities that threat modeling reveals.
Room 2
5/23/2019 3:00 PM -to- 4:00 PM Data Protection Planning and Execution
Patrick Townsend
Stephen Wynkoop
Managing the protection of your data at rest, in-transit and all of the facets of managing that is a critical piece of your data infrastructure.  Stephen and Patrick will be talking through the evolution of key management, best practices, key objectives and things to watch out for as you consider your data protection objectives and chosen tools.
Room 2
5/23/2019 3:00 PM -to- 4:00:06 PM Auditing and Detecting Illicit Activity in SQL Server
K. Brian Kelley
While meeting compliance requirements is important, simply matching the standard doesn’t guarantee that your data is safe. Smart attackers craft methods that bypass traditional security hardening recommendations. Many of these methods target the weakest link in security, people, via social engineering. Therefore, we must look at the kind of activity that is happening on our databases and try to spot when access deviates from the typical pattern. 
In this session, we’ll look at what SQL Server gives on on the auditing side, focused mainly around Extended Events. We’ll consider how to best use Extended Events to monitor what’s important so we can try to reduce the noise before having to sift through the events collected. Then we’ll look at what systems outside of SQL Server can do for us in order to help us find breaks in our users’ and systems’ patterns.
Room 1